Wednesday, April 1, 2009

-Type your name at the end of your messages                          - Don't use all capitals unless you want                                                                                                             to indicate that you are yelling                                                                                                               -  Don't forward e-mails without the  -Check your messages for proper spelling, grammar,                   senders permission
and puctuation
- Hang around a chat room before joining in to                      - Don't ask people for personal  
learn the rules about the community                                          information
-stick to the chat room's topic when you post a message     - Don't ask questions that you would                                                                                                               not ask face to face


New word of the day: Alice was very imprudent when she drank out of the mysterious potion labeled "Drink me."

Tuesday, March 31, 2009



Word of the day: She is a polyglot because she can speak many languages.

Analogy of the day: POCKETBOOK

Monday, March 30, 2009


BubbleShare: Share photos - Easy Photo Sharing


New word of the day: A Japanese kimono is made from eight pieces of fabric.

Analogy of the day: ARMY