Thursday, February 12, 2009


Learning about a powerpoint can help me in the real world by helping me organize things on the computer. Also if you have homework or a project to do you can make seperate them into the different categories. Also so i can do my homework there and save it for another day to finish it. Also so that way I can save things that are very important. Also so i can do presentations more faster and easier and understandable to present to students or teachers.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I see myself typing faster. And i can email to my friends or to people at work or just different people. Also so i can use a computer in a job that i might be applying for. Also so i can use a computer so i can type faster. Also so i can know what to press when i am in the internet or just doing something useful. Also so know what i am doing when i am on the computer. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


It can help me in the real world by helping me learn how to use a computer appropriatly. Also so it can learn more about using something. Also so you can learn how to learn more about what you are doing. Also so that way you can do things the right way. Also so that way you can do things more faster. Also so you can know about your job that you are going to have for the future.